Rear Decking
Our major piece of landscaping that has needed to happen since we moved in has been the deck. Without a deck we can't even open the massive stacking doors at the back of the house. But it's taken time. We have had to get quotes, requotes, do a design that we actually both agree on and do a DA. But it looks great! And I love love love love it! I've added a lot of photos for all the pic piggies out there! Showing the progress of the build. It took a total of 5 weeks of labour with mostly 2 guys. (One day of the week Nathan the builder didn't have his apprentice to help out so it was just him by himself). The maths involved with the gazebo and the seating does my head in. I'm just glad he worked it out and spent the time to work it out! Marking out the deck Post holes dug Lots of holes. Lots and lots of holes! Eeek does the gazebo look even to you? Timber for the posts Wow, looking like it's going ...