Concrete Slab - boring photos for most people!

Over the weekend I snuck in to check out the work.

OMG so exciting!!!  The height of the house will be amazing!  We'll be looking over the back fence. It also  means we'll need to do a lot of screening on the side there so our neighbour doesn't feel like we're overlooking his yard too much and ditto our way too.

Most of these photos will be boring for anyone other than myself!  So I am not going to be surprised if it never makes it in the popularity contest.  But I find this blog a good record for me to see what has happened and it's easy for me to access the photos.

HWS and AC slabs

Obviously the surveyor/certifier believes that we're cured :)

The slab is pretty tall off the ground on the Western side
Courtyard area is huge
Rainwater tank slab

Slab detail (edge of courtyard area)

More boring detail ;)

Garage drain?

A tag that is sticking out of the concrete... 

It looks like it's still drying and patchy in colour

