Yay to the floor height

It's been a while since the last post when we had the brick piers being started.  But they hadn't been started.  They had just been starting to be delivered :(  And then it wasn't even the right ones.  Or rather they were the right ones but they really needed the face bricks (PGH Gravel) to start as they needed to to do the 'walls' rather than the pier bits.

In other annoying/frustrations is the attitude of the site supervisors.  We have been handed back to our normal site supervisor and we advised him that we have the timelapse camera.  So again we get the third degree how tradies don't like it and that they don't want to be monitored. I'm sorry.  But whose site is it anyway?  And we have now got a sign up there and a box so they can put it over the letterbox.  It's not like we expect them to do anything dodgy.  And it's not real time AND it's not recording audio either.  So what have they got to hide?  I'm just annoyed.

AND then the site supervisor was going on about how hard our site is to build on.  OK I get it.  And yes he wasn't being nasty about it and was probably trying to set expectations but they went into this with eyes wide open.  I'm not sure what we would have done if we needed to build it on a slab.  Possibly it would have pushed us to go a custom build.  But at a current 'cost' to build close to $400k it is getting close to the custom build price anyway!  Although admittedly we get a more guaranteed cost cap and a known build quality.

Rant over.  Here are some pics of the site as we found it today.

The top of the brick 'wall' is over our standing height.  And there is still a platform to be added.  Exciting :)

